The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Ecsite Space Group, a thematic group that aims to improve and extend communication about space science, are delighted to invite you to join the 2017 Space Group workshop on the 13th and 14th of June, in the city of Porto, Portugal!
Bringing together science centres, space professionals and non-specialists, the Ecsite Space Group is currently developing a set of resources on the topic "Space for Life", which will ultimately be made available to the whole science engagement community. Three pilot projects are expected to result in ready-to-use and accessible materials: exhibitions, workshop plans, educational activities, and much more. Join us to find out how you can use existing resources and work together on ongoing projects!
The two-day workshop will enable you to:
- Get the latest Space news from ESA, the Portuguese FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - Space Office, and national space industries.
- Learn about a new kit developed by the Space Group, “The International Space Station: Living and Working in Space”, composed of a ready-to-print exhibition and ideas for interactive learning activities.
- Find out about upcoming resources, “Is there life out there?”, an educational game developed in 2017 by City of Arts and Sciences, Valencia, Spain, and “Climate change: Monitoring the Atmosphere and Oceans from Space”, to be completed in 2018.
- Gain an overview of ESA resources on the topic "Space for Life" and much more.
- Hear about innovative space projects developed by the workshop participants, and present your own!
- Discuss, exchange ideas and work with representatives of ESA, the FCT Space Office and national space industries.
Consult the pre-conference programme and find our how you can join the Space Group in Porto on the Ecsite Annual Conference page.