fbpx Save the date: 2024 Ecsite Space Group annual meeting | Ecsite

Save the date: 2024 Ecsite Space Group annual meeting

Mark 16-17 October 2024 in your calendar as the 2024 Ecsite Space Group Annual Meeting will take place in Milan, Italy.

16 October

Hosted by the Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology in Milan, Italy, it will be a day full of networking, showcases and the inauguration of the ESA-Leica photo exhibition 'Forests'.

In the spirit of the annual meeting, this day is open to all who wish to join us and meet with like-minded professionals with a passion for space.

Full programme and registration information to come!

17 October (optional - see details below)

We are excited to announce that a limited group of Ecsite Space Group members will have the opportunity to attend the International Astronautical Congress (IAC). With over 8,000 space experts from industry, research and institutions congregating at the IAC, participants will be able to network with the IAF Space Committee and Society members as well as see all of the cutting-edge exhibitions, innovations and presentations in space science.

This event is optional, and spaces are limited, so not all participants of the Ecsite Space Group annual meeting on October 16 will be able to attend.

More information to come regarding how to register your interest, however, please note that Ecsite members will be prioritised.

We hope to see you there!

Thematic group

The Space Group

The Space Group improves and extends communication about space science by helping science centres, space professionals and non-specialists to develop collaborative projects and events.