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News & magazine

Stay in touch with the latest developments in European science engagement... Ecsite offers ongoing news on this website, as well as a monthly newsletter

News 10 August 2010

The First Announcement of the Ecsite Annual Conference 2011 is now available to download, and paper versions are currently being circulated to all Ecsite members.

News 3 August 2010

As part of an ongoing professionalisation process, Ecsite has been gradually working to improve its governance. In this context, the Board of Ecsite decided to review the statutes, particularly regarding the system of election of the President and the membership criteria.

News 15 June 2010

Our Annual Conference for science centres and museums, across Europe and worldwide, took place in Dortmund, Germany, 3rd-5th June 2010 and was hosted by DASA.

News 14 May 2010

The Pilots project fourth training workshop will take place at the DASA, Dortmund, Germany, June 1st – 2nd, before the opening of the Ecsite Annual Conference.

News 2 April 2010

Ecsite is the European network of science centres and museums with 400 institutional members. The common thread uniting these institutions is a commitment to public engagement, communicating science through accessible, interactive exhibits and programmes.


Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #34, June 2024

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