fbpx Mr.Goodfish3.0 - Call for Offer: Graphic designer for serious game development | Ecsite

Mr.Goodfish3.0 - Call for Offer: Graphic designer for serious game development


Ecsite is looking for a graphic designer who will help with the graphic design of an open licence printable serious game. The game aims to raise awareness of the challenges related to consumption & production of seafood. It will be a collaborative board game for groups of maximum 6 players, meant to be played in person in sessions of about 60 minutes. It will be adapted for anybody above 12 years old and no pre-existing knowledge on responsible seafood consumption is required (for more details, please consult the attachment).


The successful candidate will work with the team at Ecsite to deliver the following elements of the serious game:

  • Revision of the existing Mr.Goodfish mascot for integration in the game design (see Annex 2)

    • The revised mascot will form part not only of the serious game but will also be included in the project’s visual identity guidelines presented in Annex 2.

    • The revised mascot is expected to be inclusive and universal (limited cultural, gender & ethnical bias).

  • A board in A3 or A2 format (see Annex 1 for concept)

  • Fillable templates for the following card decks (see Annex 1):

    • Character cards

    • Quest cards

    • Challenge cards

  • The graphic designer will agree on suitable dimensions for the cards with the Ecsite team.

  • Design for pawns and badges (see Annex 1 for description of their use)

  • A game rule book (4-page design max)


The following criteria will be taken into account (for more details, see attachement):

  • Price efficiency (40%)

  • Excellent understanding of the assignment (20%)

  • Clear and well-defined working process & timeline (20%)

  • Proven ability to deliver the requested outputs (20%)


In order to give us the possibility to assess your offer, please prepare a single document in PDF format, considering the criteria set out in the section "selection criteria".
Please send the document to the following email: cboissenin@ecsite.eu. Only complete proposals submitted before the deadline will be assessed.

The result of the selection process will be given by 17/04/2025. The collaboration agreement will be signed in the following week at the latest.
Upon signature of the contract: Ecsite shares all game material already available.

  • By mid-April: Kick-off meeting with Ecsite

  • By mid-May 2025: first draft outputs available for feedback

  • By mid-June: first round of iterations completed and available for finetuning

  • June 2025: Ecsite completes the templates with scientific content

  • By 10 July 2025: Prototype ready and printed by Ecsite. Game tested with partners.

  • Between 10 July and 16 October 2025: Final round of iterations based on partners feedback

  • October 2025: Official Game Launch


The deadline to apply is 23:59 (CET) on 07/04/2025.


The indicative range of budget for this job is 3000 to 5000EUR excl. VAT.



  • Call for graphic designer
  • EU projects
  • Mr.Goodfish3.0