We all know the saying "Healthy diet, healthy mind", but in the post-factual world we live in, many of us feel like facts should be double and triple checked before we can exclaim with confidence "That is a fact!".
The latest ERC-funded food-related research has revealed that Mediterranean diet positively influences human health, and particularly, when it comes to incidence of cardiovascular disease. But wait, there is more to it. Apparently, certain fats not only that are good for you they actually make you healthier and leaner. ERC-funded research in this area has latety made strides and some of it will be presented at the upcoming ScienceSquared event hosted by Ciência Viva in Lisbon.
A fully-packed 4-day programme will see Manuel Franco, an ERC grantee, presenting his research in the Med diet and how where we live affects our health. One full day will be dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the ERC followed by public activities, presentations, participatory debates, hands-on activities, workshops, photography exhibition, documentary screening and more.
Find out more about the event on the ScienceSquared website or in the attached programme!