fbpx Job: Public Engagement Inclusion Officer | Ecsite

Job: Public Engagement Inclusion Officer

Duties and responsibilities

The role has a balance of specific projects that need to be delivered in relation to existing programmes alongside developing new approaches to public engagement with local audiences that could take various forms. It will work to ensure that we increase the quantity and quality of our public engagement provision for new audiences in a sustainable way.

The role will also act in an advisory capacity, providing guidance and training to a range of Imperial staff and students in relation to creating inclusive and accessible public engagement opportunities.

Essential requirements

The post holder will need to be a highly motivated person with the ability to work independently, seek opportunities and use their initiative to realise engagement projects for a range of audiences, and who has the expertise to approach these projects sensitively and effectively.

A full list of essential requirements can be reviewed on the job description.

Further information

Interested candidates can contact Vicky Brightman, Public Engagement Manager to discuss the role, v.brightman@imperial.ac.uk


  • job
  • Imperial College London
  • public engagement