fbpx Job: European Coordination & Knowledge Transfer Manager - RRI, science policy & community science | Ecsite

Job: European Coordination & Knowledge Transfer Manager - RRI, science policy & community science

UK-based position open: European Coordination & Knowledge Transfer Manager - RRI, science policy, & community science

Keywords: Knowledge transfer, science communication, policy analysis, technical visits, business intelligence, international benchmarking, science consulting, public relations, marketing, network building, public engagement in science

Tekiu is looking for a driven and future-oriented person with a passion for and experience in science and engineering. You will be a part of shaping the future of European Research and Innovation by bringing together innovators, policy makers, academic researchers and the private sector from across the continent. Tekiu is taking on an instrumental role in a new pan-European project on citizen science & Responsible Research and Innovation. Your role will be to help key decision makers meet with innovators, Do-It-Yourself and grassroots science initiatives, help them understand each other and ensure that the knowledge transferred leads to action. Tekiu is a London-based, private knowledge transfer business incorporated in 2012. Their expertise is in planning and running high quality, bespoke technical visits and scientific exchanges. Interested? More information on this posting can be found here: http://www.tekiu.com/jobs/

Location: London

Salary: £30,000 to £36,000 plus bonus

Date posted: 2 March 2016

Deadline: 25 March 2016, noon

Starting date: 9 May 2016

Job type: Full-time (flexible working conditions negotiable)

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  • job
  • rri h2020