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Happy #ISCSMD2017


In partnership with UNESCO and ICOM, science centres worldwide are celebrating International Science Centre & Science Museum Day on 10 November. We are showcasing our field's contribution towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

This is a joint action of ICOM - International Council of Museums, UNESCO, Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), Asia Pacific Network of Science & Technology Centres (ASPAC), NAMES - North Africa and Middle East Science Centers Network, Latin American and Caribbean Network for the Popularization of Science and Technology (RedPop), Southern African Association of Science and Technology Centres (SAASTEC) and Ecsite.

To know more, follow the #ISCSMD hashtag on Twitter, “like” the dedicated Facebook page and check out the map to locate events near you.

All over the world science centres and science museums are participating in this global event, presenting a diverse range of special events, programmes, and exhibitions. We are using this opportunity to recognise and support the critically important United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While the SDGs are global in scope and impact, they will be fulfilled by the actions of individuals in communities throughout the world where so many science centres and museums are located.

From the Ecsite office

Today, Ecsite's Facebook page will showcase the Tokyo protocol.

What is it? Since 1996, leaders of the field have convened in six world congresses, which provided the basis for convening the first Science Centre World Summit (SCWS2014) in Mechelen, Belgium, yielding the comprehensive Mechelen Declaration of principles and concrete actions to enhance public engagement for a better world. At the upcoming second Science Centre World Summit (SCWS2017) on 15-17 November 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, parties will recognise the importance of applying the principles of the Mechelen Declaration more precisely to strengthening public engagement in global sustainability. The Tokyo Protocol outlines a set of nine actions on the role of science centres and science museums worldwide in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

This protocol was signed in June 2017 by representatives of science centre networks from around the world. It sets out a set of nine actions, some of which we will be presenting throughout the day.

They are already on the map

For its second edition, we spotted events at the following Ecsite members:

Have a look at their website to know more about their ISCSMD programme and follow them on social media to see what is happening.


  • Unesco
  • ICOM
  • SDGs
  • science centre
  • museum