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Food system trend analysis available now !

People interacting with food during a workshop in the Tartu City Lab

For the FIT4FOOD2030 project, it is essential to map out the trends that are affecting the complex food system. This trend analysis was chosen as the first of a series of analytical tools that will serve as instruments during the foreseen processes of vision development, system understanding, road-mapping and action planning in the FIT4FOOD2030 project.

The inventory of trends was compiled through stakeholder interviews, desk research, a workshop and several rounds of online consultations with the project partners. Furthermore, a survey was used to direct questions on trends to stakeholders in the food system. Drivers and barriers behind the trends as well as consequences for society, challenges and needs for R&I strategies were included in the trends description. The document focuses on trends rather than megatrends and has to be considered as a living document, as trends emerge, disappear and change over time. The descriptions are kept short and may not be exhaustive, as the intention for it is to serve as resource for information and stimulate discussions within the instruments of FIT4FOOD2030. The descriptions focus primarily on the Food and Nutrition System but are also extended by relevant social and political trends as well as megatrends.

The FIT4FOOD2030 City Labs will build on these results and use it as a basis for common understanding, discussion and integration into their visions, city planning, policy alignment and general project development. You can find the full report on trends including an exhaustive list of trends expected to affect the food system attached. We encourage you to download the report and cards on trends and use them as background documents for your activities related to food.



  • food system