Get a solid basis if you’re entering the science engagement field & be challenged to advanced strategic thinking if it’s future perspectives you’re after. To help you browse through the programme, you'll find some of the sessions labelled edgy or foundation.
Here're some examples:
Foundation sessions
Evaluation for beginners
Speakers: Roy Schedler, Nils Petter Hauan, Ilona Iłowiecka-Tańska, Jennifer DeWitt
Transitioning tinkering to the classroom: setting the stage
Speakers: Peter Wardrip, Daniel Rosqvist, Alina Natmessnig, Robert Pronovost, Pedro Pombo
Novel scenarios for art and science encounters
Speakers: Michael Doser, Honor Harger, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Nicola Triscott
Edgy sessions
Both keynote speeches, of course! By James Beacham and the Enders sisters
Empowering growth and leadership: towards gender equity in your institution
Speakers: Sharon Ament, Gretchen Baker, Bronwyn Bevan, Ann Follin
Humans versus machines: Who is the better museum mediator?
Speakers: Diane Drubay, Tiina Huber, Gallus Staubli
Science communication in the post truth world: a workshop
Speakers: Antonio Gomes da Costa, Barbara Streicher, Richard-Emmanuel Eastes, Christel Le Delliou
And much more... Check out the online programme and start building your personal one!