Discover the edgy programme of the European science communication conference & register now
The Ecsite conference is the place to meet 1,100+ professionals from 50 countries: science communicators, exhibition developers, facilitators, CEOs, academics, policy makers...
Each year, encounters at the conference lead to long-lasting friendships, fruitful collaborations, creative projects or even love stories... who will you be meeting this year?
The conference offers an intense mix of intellectual stimulation, experimental formats and inspiring human encounters. Sharpen your critical mind, recharge your creative batteries, harvest contacts and tools, make business and let off steam on the dance floor.
And register now - the super early bird rate ends on 14 March.
25% discount for Ecsite Full, Sustaining and One person company members and 15% discount for Associate members!
The 29th edition of the Ecsite Conference is hosted by the Natural History Museum of Geneva in partnership with CERN, University of Geneva Scienscope, and Campus Biotech.
The conference is open to all who engage audiences with science and technology. This unique networking and professional development forum combines 3 days of main conference offering 100 parallel sessions (7-9 June) with 2 days of pre-conference with 10+ in depth trainings (5-6 June). Also look forward to 2 high-level keynotes, 350 speakers, 50+ exhibitors, 2 dedicated tinkering and gaming labs, 3 evening social events...