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Ecsite AGM 2024

The Ecsite Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024 will take place during the Ecsite 2024 Conference in Slovenia on Friday 7 June from 15:45 - 17:30

Voting rights

One representative from each full member organisation is invited to vote. If your institution cannot be present at the AGM, you can give a proxy to another Full member who will then be able to vote on your behalf.

Members wishing to nominate a proxy should contact info@ecsite.eu

Agenda & documentation

The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting is available here

The 2024 AGM booklet is available here


Marmorna Hall

GR Ljubljana Exhibition & Conference Centre

Dunajska cesta 18

1000 Ljubljana



Full members are invited to register to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting via this link
