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Communications and events internship at Ecsite

Ecsite comms internship

Ecsite is the European network of science centres and museums. We represent more than 315 organisations across Europe and the world which are active in ‘science engagement’: communicating scientific subjects and skills to the public and facilitating democratic dialogue between science and society.

Our friendly Brussels office is looking for a communications and events planning intern for the academic year 2020-21. The intern must be currently enrolled in a Master's degree. This opportunity is unpaid.


  • Excellent written English
  • Ability to synthesise, organise and present ideas
  • Good organisational skills
  • Interest in different types of media: web, social media, print… experience in writing for these is a plus
  • Curiosity
  • Ability to work as a team
  • Note: no background in ‘hard sciences’ required

Recurring tasks you will be involved in

  • Writing news & writing up interviews for the website and our digital magazine, Spokes
  • Publishing on social media platforms
  • Assisting in the planning of events
  • Assisting our members: keeping contact databases up to date, spreading information, relaying calls…

Mid to long-term projects you might be involved in:

  • Preparations for our 2021 Ecsite Conference (June 2021)

Why join?

  • Gain experience in journalistic writing and writing for social media
  • Assist in the planning of large-scale international events
  • Discover communications and events planning roles in the non-profit sector
  • Attend the Spokes Editorial Committee annual meeting (online, in September)
  • Get a glimpse of the Brussels EU-scene
  • Enjoy our office’s friendly atmosphere or experience remote work with an experienced and efficient team

Duration: 2-3 months full time or 1.5 – 2 days per week for a longer period – to be discussed.
Start: beginning of September at the earliest.
Location: Avenue Louise 89, 1050 Ixelles (near place Stéphanie) in Belgium. We are open to accepting a remote internship arrangement due to the pandemic and ongoing situation with Covid-19.

Interested? Email your CV and a brief cover letter (both in English please) to Raquel da Cunha, Communications and Events Manager. Do not hesitate to call for more details (+32 2 649 73 83).
Apply by the end of Friday 24 July. Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed online between 27 and 31 July and will undergo a short written test. Please note that this is an unpaid internship.


  • internship
  • ecsite
  • job
  • scicomm
  • communications