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News & magazine

Stay in touch with the latest developments in European science engagement... Ecsite offers ongoing news on this website, as well as a monthly newsletter

Calls 28 September 2017
European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018

Creative Europe, the European Union programme for the cultural and creative sectors, presents a new call for proposals. Apply by 22 November.

Calls 12 September 2017

As part of the Sparks project, Ecsite is offering one of its members the opportunity to host a touring exhibition on citizen science for free. Apply by 2 October.

Calls 14 August 2017
2017 Ecsite Annual Conference, Porto, Portugal. 13 June

For the 29th Ecsite Annual Conference, to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 7-9 June 2018. Team up and submit a great proposal by 15 October.

Calls 14 August 2017
Artist Sergey Kischenko was one of the 2016 beneficiaries from the "fresh ideas" scheme (c) Sergey Kischenko & RESANITA

Ecsite is offering 12 free one-day passes for its upcoming Annual Conference to speakers bringing new ideas or perspectives.


Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #36, September 2024

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