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News & magazine

Stay in touch with the latest developments in European science engagement... Ecsite offers ongoing news on this website, as well as a monthly newsletter

News & Publication by SeeingNano

News 14 November 2016

November has brought falling temperatures and red leaves....And together with Autumn, November will bring to us the end of SeeingNano.

Our five science centres have done a great job that has ended with very successful final events to present the tools to more than 2.000 participants.

All the participants played with the novel visualisation tools the project has developed during its 2 year life. Games and apps were used during day long events devoted to the world of nano.

News 10 October 2016

Tired of reading on your commute and you've already reached level 2.000 of candy Crush? We are here to rescue you!! You have now the opportunity of testing the digital memory game that the SeeingNano Consortium has come up with. But before you start playing like mad, check out the explanimation we have prepared! It will help you pair the different images even faster.

News 23 August 2016

The bad news is summer is almost over . But in every cloud there is a silver lining: SeeingNano is back for an autumn full of events, news and we even have newsletter number 2 out! Keep reading this article for our upcoming events and most recent news!

News 12 May 2016
Seeing Nano pilot at Techmania, Pilsen, Czech Republic

The piloting of our novel visualization tools is almost over. Interested in seeing what these tools look like? Go to www.seeingnano.eu and download the App and the games.

News 11 February 2016

After more than a year of hard work to develop SeeingNano novel visualization tools, our third parties are ready to test them. In the months that followed the workshop in London, all the members in the consortium have been working together in refining them. Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia 'Leonardo da Vinci' has been the first to start the piloting phase on February 10.

News 9 December 2015
Seeing Nano

SeeingNano is almost one year old and to celebrate, the partners of the project are meeting in London between December 14 and 16.

News 15 June 2015

The EU project SeeingNano that is all about creating visualiation tools that will enable users to see at the nano scale has now got its online presence. Browse through the SeeingNano website: www.seeingnano.eu and most importantly stay tuned by subscribing to its newsletter by clicking here

News 8 April 2015

The SeeingNano consortium met in Leeds for a development workshop. Differents strands of the project are moving forward. The key target groups of the project have been defined, which are mostly visitors of the science centres and museums, young people, retired and teachers. These target groups are currently being studied and profiled with focus groups and interview running at 5 Ecsite members. The project website is due in a few months so stay tuned and for now check out the brand new SeeingNano logo.

Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #34, June 2024

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