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News & Publication by 2013 Ecsite Conference

News 6 June 2013

The Ecsite Annual Conference finished on a high note in Gothenburg, Sweden. Get a glimpse of the action by downloading our complete library of presentations from days one, two and three.

News 2 June 2013

ESA meets science centers and museums in Gothenburg: check out the article on the ESA website.

News 9 May 2013

Maker Space @ Ecsite: The "dream image" shows how organizers Jochen Hunger, Jean-Michel Molenaar and Karolina Perrin see the new format. The Red Room at the center will not only be the location of the initial session on Thursday, 6th of June (entitled, 'Making, fabbing, tinkering: New approaches to learning by doing'), but also the place for getting in touch with tools and materials like 3D printers, laser cutters, soldering irons and electronic components.

News 6 May 2013

The European Space Agency will support the Space Group to develop events, educational activities and exhibits for Science Centres and Museums related to the Rosetta mission. A “Rosetta kit” will enable the Ecsite members to take part in a campaign related to this most exciting on-going space mission, which will lead to a lander to be released onto a comet surface and retrieve crucial information on the origins of the solar system.

The first step will be to work with Science Centres and Museums in a collaborative way on the definition of these events, educational activities and exhibits.

News 4 April 2013

Space is vast, but on the 4th and 5th of June European Space Science Centres and Space Agencies will be nowhere else than in Gothenburg for two days of Pre-Conference workshops. Join the Space Group for a closer contact with Space professionals and Space news, programmes and discoveries. The Space Group will also offer opportunities for sharing experience, expertise, knowledge and tools.

This year’s Pre-Conference topic is: ARE YOU READY FOR ROSETTA ?

In November 2014, the European Space Agency spacecraft Rosetta will send a lander on the comet Churyumov – Gerasimenko.

News 4 April 2013

There’s a number of good reasons to book the Ecsite Nature Group preconference day this year. If you are interested in meeting like-minded colleagues who deal with issues related to nature, we invite you to join us in the Nature Group. The group brings together collegues working in Science Centres, Natural History museums, Botanic Gardens, Aquariums, Zoos and all those who work with nature-related topics. This year our programme is of great interest for those whose institutes are in the middle of change, or preparing to renew their museum or institute.

News 14 March 2013

The Ecsite network is eager to learn what’s next for Città della Scienza following the fire of 4 March 2013. Here, Anne-Marie Bruyas, head of International Relations, Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza, answers some important questions about the difficult present and hopes for the future.

News 5 March 2013

The Star Alliance™ member airlines are pleased to be appointed as the Official Airline Network for the ECSITE Annual Conference 2013.

To obtain the Star Alliance Conventions Plus discounts please follow the below steps to access the Conventions Plus online booking tool:

• Visit www.staralliance.com/conventionsplus/delegates/ • Under “Delegates login” enter conventions code SK19S13. • The online booking tool opens in a separate window*

*Should the online booking tool not open, please ensure that your Pop-Up blocker is disabled.

News 4 December 2012

The renowned travel guide “Lonely Planet” has recently published it’s reccommendations for 2013. Amongst them, Gothenburg was rated as one of the best value destination in the world. Another reason to head to Gothenburg for the Ecsite Annual Conference 2013.

“This is as much Scandinavia as you can get for your money.”

Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2013 votes Gothenburg the no. 2 best value destination

http://www.lonelyplanet.com/themes/best-in-travel-2013/best-value-destinations/ http://www.lonelyplanet.com/sweden/gotaland/goteborg

News 5 November 2012

For those of you who are interested to attend the Pre-conference two-days-long training for explainers (organized by Ecsite’s THE Group) or the Pre-conference workshop on research and evaluation (organized by Ecsite’s REV Group) – AND the main annual conference, the European Commission (EC) offers a grant opportunity in order to cover your fees.

Through Comenius/Grundtvig, the EC provides funding to promote exchanges of experiences and the development of a European dimension in all sectors of adult education and its evaluation.


Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #34, June 2024

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