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News & Publication by Schools as living labs
Need guidance on facilitating a more creative and collaborative learning environments for your students or younger visitors? Check out the resources from the Schools as Living Labs EU project.
Schools As Living Labs held a high-level roundtable in Athens to discuss what policy measures should exist to enable the transition towards more comprehensive, inclusive and modern education and health systems. The living lab approach is seen as one of the answers by practitioners and policy makers across Europe.
Explore the potential of the Living Lab approach for supporting the school of tomorrow, developing health innovation, and promoting sustainability and resilience in modern societies with citizens as active co-creators of solutions. The Schools As Living Labs project is convening a high-level roundtable to explore how co-creation can be an answer to Europe's biggest challenges.
“Useful”, “informative”, “user-friendly”, “interactive”, “accessible”, etc. Here are some of the main qualities teachers from Greece have used to describe the SALL community platform.
Teachers, are you looking for innovative ways to offer valuable learning experiences to your students? Do you wish to strengthen the links of your school with the local community? Do you see an opportunity in getting your students to address real-life problems and issues in collaboration with societal actors beyond classroom walls?
Then join the Schools as Sites for Food System Transformation Teacher Training Summer School in Marathon-Athens, Greece, on 3-8 July 2022.
Building active school communities, making stem more attractive, boosting the opening of schools: the SALL project recently unveiled the impacts its learning methodology has on individuals and organisations.
In a Living Lab, multiple actors work together to tackle a societal issue and co-create solutions. As science engagement experts, we recognise the importance of giving context for science learning. That’s why the living-lab methodology is promising in the school context. but what is it like for students to work with external stakeholders on real and concrete issues?
Schools need to re-invent themselves. But they don’t have to do it alone. For more than a year, the European project Schools As Living Labs, which we are a part of, has supported 50+ schools across Europe through its open schooling approach, supporting them in transforming into an open-educational space.
Schools As Living Labs, a european project in which Ecsite is involved, held a high-level roundtable to discuss what policy measures should exist to foster the implementation of innovating formal education system in Europe.
The EU-funded project Schools As Living Labs released an enhanced version of its Open Schooling Roadmap for teachers and educators.
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Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.
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