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News & Publication by Make it Open

News 8 March 2024
© European Union, 2024

The European Commission has published a new Results Pack titled "Paving the way for innovative educational contexts in the EU," featuring nine EU-funded projects dedicated to fostering an open learning educational ecosystem.

News 5 December 2023

Get inspired by lesson plans from other educators and start now with Open Schooling!

News 13 September 2023
Circulaire buurt: Eindshow @ Hout- en meubileringscollege 2023, Waag. Foto: Anna Trap

On behalf of the Make it Open EU Project, Ecsite is delighted to share the new toolkit

News 10 May 2022

The Make it Open Navigator is out! This unique open schooling tool made by teachers for teachers, is accessible to everyone and soon to be translated in 11 languages. Have a look now: https://openschoolingnavigator.eu/

News 4 April 2022
Teacher conference

For the past year Make it Open has been working on a series of information packs, that as one of the authors states, "is designed to speak to new entrants as well as those who have experience with Open Schooling". These packs are there to provide clarity on open schooling and how schools can begin to open up and work with the community on local community-based problems. If you as a science centre, museum or informal learning organisation want to look for more ways to encourage schools to work with you and "open up" more, these packs might be a good starting point for you too.

News 13 January 2022

The EU project Make it Open has begun developing a new transformational approach to learning for educational institutions through what is known as “Open Schooling”. However, creating “transformational approaches” in education is certainly not new. We are often presented with a collection of new approaches to education, for example, technology-enabled active learning, precision pedagogy, digital education ecosystem, service-learninghttps://makeitopen.eu/ - the list continues. So, what is different here? How is Make it Open planning to stand out amongst the crowd?

News 8 November 2021

How can we best support young learners for tomorrow? How do we ensure they have the opportunity to tailor their own learning journey? What role can science centres have in supporting schools to provide such skills? The European project “Make it Open”, which we are a part of, wants to show you how we can begin to answer such questions through their approach to “open schooling”. 

News 10 August 2021

The Make it Open project completed its pilot phase. It's time to share our learnings from the first experiments led, combining open-schooling and maker education to rethink learning boundaries and equip future citizens with the skills they need. The Bloomfield Science Museum in Jerusalem, our partner coordinating the project, developed a noteworthy project involving students in a citizen adventure with scientific and community goals. Take a look and get inspired!

News 7 July 2021

Open learning and open schooling are broad terms which describe learning which is ‘open’ in terms of timing, location, teaching roles, instructional methods, modes of access, and any other factors related to learning processes. Most schools already do some level of open learning, through off site trips, on site visits and remote learning.

News 11 December 2020
Open Schooling together logo

9 European projects will join their effort to spread the word about how schools and other local stakeholders can rethink learning boundaries. Ecsite, which leads two of these project's communications, initiated this collaboration to increase the reach of its communication efforts in the field of Open Schooling.

Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #34, June 2024

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