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News & Publication by SySTEM 2020

News 4 September 2019
The Ecsite conference at Experimentarium

The winner of the SySTEM 2020 STEAM award, Danilo Kozoderc, won a trip to the 2019 Ecsite conference by putting his science initiative on the SySTEM 2020 map. We sat down with Danilo to speak about his experience at the Ecsite conference and the new tools and methods he learnt that will help him support and shape his program back in Slovenia.

News 15 July 2019
Young refugees fly drones over Lesvos

We are proud to introduce the first Learners’ Perspectives: a series of articles/blogs/videos produced by young learners presenting their views and experiences on non-formal learning. The first part of this series is officially live and provided by LATRA where they provided a workshop teaching young refugees how to use drones to map terrains from above.

News 10 May 2019
Modra delavnica - Zavod SImetris coding workshops in action

Since the inception of the SySTEM 2020 map, we have had a total of 272 organisations from around Europe sign up. Alongside that, a total of 228 activities have been added to the map, creating a bank of science learning activities for institutions to use and learn from. One of the benefits of joining this Europe-wide network by the end of April was a chance to win the SySTEM 2020 STEAM award, which provided you with a free ticket to the Ecsite conference this year. Well, the winner of this competition has officially been picked at random.

News 8 April 2019

On the 18th of March, the SySTEM 2020 team was introduced to new faces in Helsinki, Finland. Partners, third parties and young learners came together to ideate and co-design options for the future of informal learning.

News 11 February 2019
Visitors taking a closer look at Granada Science Park's exhibitions

Finding an agreement over what defines a non-formal or informal learning setting is difficult to pinpoint. For SySTEM 2020 and for future research within this area of study, clarity on these terms needs to be grasped. Science Gallery Dublin has provided a starting point with the release of a systematic literature review on these terms attempting to find some consensus, filling in the gaps where possible.

News 14 December 2018

SySTEM 2020: Science learning outside the classroom is happy to present its very first newsletter to you. It's more than just project updates, it's all the latest developments in the field of out-of-school learning. Perhaps you have been confused by all these terms, like we have, formal/informal or nonformal? Which one is which and what is the difference? For the last few months, we have been trying to figure this out.

News 11 December 2018

The communication of SySTEM 2020 is like the modern completion of Alexandre Dumas’ battle cry in The Three Musketeers. We believe that partnership between people who want to contribute to the same aim needs to be promoted – internally and externally. It's with this idea in mind that we at Ecsite have decided to kick-start SySTEM 2020 communications campaign. On social media, we wanted to connect our partners and our target audience with our mission - to promote science learning outside the classroom.

News 31 October 2018

Ecsite is looking for experienced and creative web-developers to build a website for one of our EU-funded projects SySTEM 2020. Led by Science Gallery Dublin, this research project is related to science learning outside the classroom. Apply by 23:59 CET on 18 November 2018.

News 23 October 2018

Ecsite members are invited to fill out a questionnaire that will contribute to the creation of a central European platform nonformal/informal STEAM learning.

Calls 23 August 2018

Ecsite is currently looking for designers to come up with a visual identity and a set of communication tools for our new EU funded project, SySTEM2020.


Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #34, June 2024

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