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News & magazine

Stay in touch with the latest developments in European science engagement... Ecsite offers ongoing news on this website, as well as a monthly newsletter

News & Publication by 2017 Ecsite Conference

News 12 April 2017
#Ecsite2017 teaser poster

The early bird rate is ending soon: Wednesday 26 April.

News 10 March 2017

The increasing popularity of the conference together with the attractiveness of the host city is filling up our trade fair like never before: there are only 5 booths left!

News 10 March 2017
#Ecsite2017 teaser poster

The super early bird rate is ending soon: next week Wednesday 22 March.

News 9 March 2017

Expect confessions, therapies, quizzes, murder mysteries... And look forward to discuss post-truth, art & science, learning ecosystems, LGBT, participatory models...

News 9 March 2017
Space Group pre-Conference hands on activities

On the two days preceding the conference, a wide range of indepth training courses will be offered, on sustainability, social inclusion and diversity, tinkering and much more.

News 8 March 2017
pop-up office #Ecsite2016

The conference is an excellent time to hold meetings with partners from all over the world. Here's how to book a room

News 21 February 2017
Cais da alfandega

Michiel Buchel and Catherine Franche invite you to join 1,100+ professionals from 50 countries at the 2017 Ecsite Annual Conference

News 20 February 2017
session at the #Ecsite2015 conference

Important information to keep in mind about your session, your registration and your presence at the #Ecsite2017 conference

News 20 February 2017
Life Everywhere is the theme of #Ecsite2017

How can knowledge, art and culture drive us in the quest for life everywhere? Life Everywhere is the theme of this year's Ecsite conference

News 20 February 2017
Nina Simon and Alice Roberts keynotes at #Ecsite2017

This year's keynote speeches will be by Nina Simon, author of The Participatory Museum, and Alice Roberts, anthropologist and Professor of Public Engagement in Science.


Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #34, June 2024

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