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VOICES Public Event Italy

25 October 2013 - 15 November 2013
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Naples is a city that has had more than its fair share of experience on the topic of urban waste. During the waste crisis that peaked in the summer of 2008, the science centre Città della Scienza played a crucial role as an interface for the public, researchers and city government.

For VOICES, Città della Scienza once again brings the public together with industry players, associations, civil society organizations, universities and local authorities to share experiences about urban waste through a wide range of shows, performances, conferences, laboratories and workshops, working towards a zero waste society.


Conference: REDUCE and SAVE, Eco-Sustainable Strategies: Opportunities for Development and Employment
25th October, 09:00 – 13:30
This three-part morning seminar featuring 11 speakers from across the fields of science communication, industry, research and NGOs addressed the issues of future energy and waste, innovative and environmentally sustainable technologies. It gave a voice to public enterprises, which have a key role in the collection and interception of waste materials, as well as the private and civil society, from environmental groups and citizens. The 30 VOICES focus group participants were invited to attend and their feedback from the project was presented.

Activities on 15th November:

Film: Trashed - Towards Zero Waste
This screening of the documentary “Trashed - Towards Zero Waste”, the new film starring Jeremy Irons which premièred at Cannes 2012, will be followed by a public debate. “Trashed” goes through the five continents, showing how waste pollutes air, land and oceans, not only putting our health in danger, but threatening the very existence of mankind. This screening is organised in partnership with Legambiente, WWF and Italia Nostra.

Conference: From the land of waste to the land of flavours
In Naples, for years the disposal of waste has been the prerogative of criminal organisations which have destroyed our land and the excellence of its agricultural tradition. The cooperative Resistenze will show ways the land has been cared for through the reestablishment of civic citizenship and proper disposal of waste.

Workshop: DIY musical instruments with waste
The rock group Capone & BungtBangt presents "the art of singing waste", reusing common urban and industrial objects like cans, lids, wood waste, bags and anything else to transform them into musical instruments. The leader, Maurizio Capone, presents a workshop to convey the concept of creative recycling, building and playing instruments from materials destined for the landfill.

Workshop: Compost at home
Come and learn the basics of home composting - ways, customs, time, curiosities - and how to build a composter suitable for balconies and terraces, from materials easily accessible and economically affordable.

Laboratories: Creative reuse
This workshop for children is dedicated to creative reuse. The kids take centre stage, learning how waste can be reused, recycled and reprocessed, resulting in a new cycle. The workshop will be led by the Friarielli Rebels, a group of citizens fighting against the degradation of Naples and promoting the direct involvement of citizens in caring for their city.

Workshop: + design ZERO Waste
How can we up-cycle waste using design tools? This workshop shows how designers can creatively interpret re-use, encouraging the emergence of new business initiatives with young designers, led by the Second University of Naples’ Department of Industrial Design.

Workshop: From waste to product design
Separating and collecting waste is not only a task for the public, but can also provide new opportunities for employment. This workshop from Formaperta, well known for its exclusive use of secondary raw materials, will show how they make beautiful pieces of furniture and fittings, minimizing the environmental impact of the manufacturing processes.

Workshop: Repurposed pavilion
The Urban Fab Lab is part of the Città della Scienza’s business incubator. It will open a public space with a participatory project using waste materials for the building components for a new city hall. The Fab Lab workshop will be a space for relations and outreach aimed at raising awareness on the issues of reuse and recycling.

Show: Biodiversity
Le Nuvole presents a theatre show: "What is biodiversity?", "How can we protect it?", "What happens to waste?”, “How resilient and sustainable are ecosystems?" The answers to these questions will be the focus of a theatre performance on informed life choices.


  • voices



VOICES was a ground-breaking consultation, using the opinions of people across the EU to shape the future of European research. 1,000 citizens participated in focus groups run by Ecsite members, expressing their hopes, fears, concerns and ideas on the theme of urban waste. The results of this consultation have directly informed policy, as they were fed into several research calls for the EU Horizon 2020 funding programme.