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Tools & resources

In this section you will find useful documents and information on science engagement in general, and Ecsite activities in particular. Browse through articles, toolkits, reports, websites...

Feel free to submit resources for this section. Send all relevant materials with a short explanation about the contents to: communications@ecsite.eu



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Practical guide or toolkit
The VOICES focus group approach
Spokes resource
October 2013 - How can I use VOICES? The results of the VOICES consultation directly affected the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 calls for research funding. As such, VOICES is a model for incorporating citizens’ voices into RRI. But the project outcomes can also be used by other stakeholders on a local and national, as well as European level. For practical information on how to implement a consultation like VOICES, download the following documents.
EU and governance
Book or article
Visitors answer a question  at the Natural History Museum, London, UK
Spokes resource
October 2013 - A beginner's guide to measuring the impact of science centres and museums An interview with Marie Hobson published in Spokes#1, Fall 2013
Education & learning
evaluation, impact, Spokes
Book or article
Anne Glover at the 3rd PLACES conference, Torino, Italy, June 2013. Photo by Silvia Pastore
Spokes resource
October 2013 - A June 2013 interview with Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Advisor to the European Union. Interview published in Spokes#1, Fall 2013
EU and governance
anne glover, EU, citizenship, science engagement, scientists, PLACES, voices
Book or article
Overlooking Bucharest, Romania - photo by Stefan Tuchila
Spokes resource
October 2013 - Romania searches for footing in public science engagement. Feature article by Miruna Amza and Iris Opris published in Spokes#1, Fall 2013
Romania, science centre, science engagement
Practical guide or toolkit
Spokes resource
October 2013 - – A GUIDELINE ON HOW TO REACH YOUR STEM EDUCATION STAKEHOLDERS EFFICIENTLY The Reach Out Toolkit is based on two years research and is intended to project managers and project coordinators running initiatives to improve learning and teaching of STEM in formal education (schools) and informal education (science centres, museums, fairs, events). It gives information on how to plan and implement dissemination and exploitation strategies.
Education & learning
Dissemination, communication, policy, makers, teachers, project managers, science communicators, science centres, museums, promotion, education, results
Spokes resource
July 2013 - This is Ecsite’s first-ever annual report and it delivers a thorough portrait of what the network has accomplished in the past year and shows how its members support Europe’s science communication field as a whole.
Ecsite corporate documents
annual report, 2012
Book or article
Professor Susan Greenfield
Spokes resource
May 2013 - What will happen to the human mind if the external world changes in unprecedented ways, for example with an all-pervasive digital technology? Feature article by Susan Greenfield published in Spokes#0, Spring 2013
Topics in science
digital technologies, neuroscience, brain, impact, susan greenfield
Book or article
Learning to solder at Maker Faire UK 2014, Life Science Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Spokes resource
May 2013 - What does the "maker culture" mean for science centres? Feature article by Andy Lloyd published in Spokes#0, spring 2013
Education & learning
MakerSpace, making, international centre for life, tinkering, Spokes
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
April 2013 - Theatrical discussion game exploring the topic of nanotechnologies and aimed at informal semi-public settings, where passers-by can participate without spending too much time.
Education & learning
nanotechnology, discussion game, theatre
Practical guide or toolkit
A glimpse of the Ecsite visual identity - by Kate Houben
Spokes resource
February 2013 - Our logo features nine structures extending from the same starting point – the word “Ecsite”. The structures are complimentary to one another and vary in size. Together, they elicit a sense of vibrancy, creativity, collaboration and openness. Find attached:
Ecsite corporate documents
logo, brand, visual identity, ecsite, guidelines
Spokes resource
January 2013 - The Center for the Future of Museums' annual forecasting report, from the American Alliance of Museums. 2013 trends: Philanthropy | 3-D Printing | Microcredentialing | The Internet of Things | Disconnecting from Digital Experiences | The Urban Renaissance
Education & learning
trends, museums, center for future of museums, strategy, foresight
Book or article
Spokes resource
December 2012 - An article by Dickinson et al. published in 2012 in 'Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment'.
Topics in science
citizen science, ecology, biodiversity, public engagement
