EXTRA, the marketplace for scientific touring exhibitions.
142 exhibits in 22 scenes. Some of the collection’s most noteworthy items include, among others:
- A life-size Landspeeder that was purchased from London’s Elstree Studios, the home of the original trilogy
- One of the most valuable props include the desk and chair of young Anakin Skywalker from the 1999 film The Phantom Menace.
- Yoda Prop on stand
- Jawa Statue
- Han Solo in Carbonite Prop
- Darth Maul Statue
- Jango Fett Costume Ensemble
- Don Post Stormtrooper Statue
- Darth Vader Mannequin and Costume Ensemble
- The Emperor Costume Ensemble
- Luke Skywalker X Wing Pilot Costume Ensemble
- Princess Leia Costume Ensemble
- Yak Face
- Grogu
- more and more major exhibits
- and an array of weapons, original production items, costumes, and armours. In addition to props and costumes, there is a display of renowned and rare 66pcs Star Wars toys dating back from 1977 to 1999.
Space required: 700 - 1,400sqmt / 7,000 - 14,000sqft
5 x 40ft HC containers or 4 trucks
Load-in: 8 days
Load-out: 4 days
(The exhibition is in no way linked to Disney Enterprises INC, Lucasfilm Ltd LLC, Lucas Licensing Ltd or Lucas Entertainment Company Ltd LLC. The exhibition is a privately owned collection. All the images used are reproductions of private works belonging to the exhibition and from Shutterstock.)