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News & magazine

Stay in touch with the latest developments in European science engagement... Ecsite offers ongoing news on this website, as well as a monthly newsletter

News & Publications

News 9 December 2016

We are happy to tell the world that the Sparks exhibition "Beyond the Lab: the DIY Science Revolution" is in the closing phase of tour 2: Luxemburg Science Centre, Tycho Brahe Planetarium in Denmark, Blue World in Croatia and Parque de las Ciencias in Spain did an amazing job by displaying the exhibition and running participatory activities where citizens and scientists gathered around the fundamental questions of Responsible Research and Innovation: how are we getting involved in health issues that directly affect us?

News 9 December 2016

The RRI Tools Final conference is over...during two days we gathered around inspiring keynote speakers, reflective workshops and rich conversations about the outcomes of this 3 year project and the "footprint"of all the good work done. It was the best opportunity to share with everyone the RRI Cards, created by the Ecsite team, to complement training sessions, but also to use them in other contexts such us meetings, workshops or even a conference.

News 9 December 2016
#Ecsite 2017_Porto_Portugal

In June, Porto celebrates the popular saints and S. João - very touristic festivities attracting many tourists to the city. So hurry: secure your room!

Calls 5 December 2016

Session accepted? What if an extra speaker from outside of the science centre and museum field made it even better? Know such an eye-opener or paradigm shifter? If you can convince the Programme Committee that they're bringing a new perspective to your session, they could attend for free. Applications by 27 January

News 29 November 2016

At CCU, Lisboa, Portugal. Apply by 30 December

News 28 November 2016

At Mangorolla CIC, Bath, UK. Apply by 3 December

News 23 November 2016

At the Autonomous Province of Trento, Italy. Submit by 31 January

News 18 November 2016

At Arts Catalyst, London, UK. Apply in December

News 16 November 2016

At Cardiff University, UK. Apply by 1 February

News 14 November 2016
#ISCSMD example: 34 Polish science centres and dozens of partners nation-wide partnered up to offer activities. Here at the Copernicus science centre in Warsaw

In partnership with UNESCO and ICOM, science centres worldwide celebrated International Science Centre & Science Museum Day on 10 November. We showcased our field's contribution towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #41, February 2025

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