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International conferences, calls, webinars, jobs and courses

Opportunities conferences courses jobs

Click on the links for upcoming international conferences, webinars, calls for papers and courses in science engagement.

  1. Calls for papers and proposals
  2. Courses / Events
  3. Conferences, webinars, meetings
  4. Jobs / Calls for tenders
  5. Grants & funding

Something to share? Email it to: nhamilton@ecsite.eu

1. Calls for applications, papers and proposals

Eric and Wendy Schmidt Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

Are you a science communicator, a science journalist, or a research scientists? Did you develop creative, original work that addresses issues and advances in science, engineering, or medicine for the general public? Apply before 31 March!

The 2024 EurekAlert! Travel Awards for International Science Reporters, EurekAlert!, deadline 30 May 2024

Applicants must have no more than five years of professional science journalism experience in order to be eligible for the fellowship. Winners will receive travel funding to attend the 2025 AAAS Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts.

Call for Proposals: Communicating Discovery Science International Symposium, deadline 31 May 2024

Participate in this symposium and share experiences and insights into connecting people with basic, foundational science. Diverse forms of participation are encourages, such as research papers, practical case studies, and creative approaches to making discovery science accessible and relevant to diverse audience

Call for Expressions of Interest, European Parliament DG EPRS, deadline 9 June 2024

DG EPRS Directorate B Impact Assessment and European Added Value is seeking to compile a list of experts in science communication to aid in the provision of draft articles and outputs. Some of the areas that the chosen experts will be working on include, but are not exclusive to, science policy, communication and global networking as well as potentials and challenges of the information society, new technologies and artificial intelligence.

Brilliant Poetry: Scientific wonder in verse, Science in Stanzas, deadline 21 June 2024

Brilliant Poetry is an international competition that invites people from around the world to express scientific wonder and discovery through verse.

Unfold your world, EMBL, deadline 31 August 2024

Are you between 14 and 18 years old? Are you interested in the powwer of protein in our bodies? Do you dabble in making art? Join the Unfold your world project! Participants will learn about a protein of interest, exploring both its function and structures, and get inspiration to create an artwork, which could win a prize and/or be displayed in a special exhibition

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2. Courses/Events

Science, scepticism and free speech lecture series, Science about Science, March, April and May, London, UK/online

Science, scepticism and free speech is a series of three events – two lectures from eminent scientists and a final session bringing together public figures concerned with the relationship between science, the public and democratic decision-making.

Applied Science Communication: Online and Media Writing, anytime, online

This 7 module online course introduces you to science writing techniques that are suitable for non-academic audiences. It will explore key writing structures and key principles behind non-academic writing with an emphasis on online writing.

Infomedic Management OpenWHO, anytime, online

Learn about Infomedics, that overflow of information surging on digital platforms during an acute health event. The World Health Organization has put together a series of courses to help you manage infomedics and avoid spreading misinformation.

Science Communication, anytime, email course

SciComm Society is offering a free course to help you get started with science communication; discover ways to reach an audience beyond your peers; share your research in new ways that stand out; and generate endless SciComm content ideas.

Inspiring young people in STEM, anytime, online

The National STEM Learning Centre of the UK put together a series of four courses on the platform Future Learn. This programme aims to help students develop their volunteering skills and STEM activities for young people. Courses are free and you can join at any time. More information and registration can be found on the website.

Science Communications, anytime, online

It’s a comprehensive science communication MOOC on edX - online, free and open to all. The course explores research-based, practical ideas and inspiring stories from the field based on conversations with over 50 expert interviewees worldwide.

Women's Ideas in the History of Medicine, Online Lecture Series, 8 May-10 July 2024 Centre for the Study of Medicine and the Body in the Renaissance (CSMBR)

This series seeks to understand the role of women in the history of medicine. Women's contributions to the theoretical and practical fields of medicine will be explored in a series of lectures by a variety of scholars.

Using ChatGPT for Communications, online, 15 May 2024 and 16 October 2024

This live workshop gives you the opportunity to work in a supportive environment with other professionals and direct engagement with the trainer. Join the immersive workshop series that explores the transformative potential of ChatGPT in enhancing communication strategies and content creation.

Master in Communication of science & innovation, admission call closing 31 May 2024

Find out about Trento University’s Master in Communication of Science and Innovation (Scicomm), a dynamic and comprehensive one-year post-graduate diploma that holds the equivalence of 60 ECTS credits. Classes start in September 2024 and end in June 2025.

Geneva Summer School: ​Listen, Engage, Connect: Explore The Science Communication Arena, 24 June 2024

The Summer School "Listen, Engage, Connect: Explore The Science Communication Arena" aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the key principles and strategies of science communication in the current global context.

STEAM Summer School, 13-21st July 2024, Malta

The school's focus will be largely on developing skills and putting them into practice. For those established in science communication, STEAM is an opportunity to reinvigorate your passion for your work and is a safe environment to explore creative avenues you've not yet had the chance to. Registration closes on 28 June 2024.

MSc in Science Communication at UWE Bristol, starts September 2024, Bristol United Kingdom

Want to undergo a Master's degree in Science Communication at UWE Bristol's renowned Science Communication Unit in 2024? Join the virtual open even from 19.00 - 20.00 UK time on Thursday 25th January 2024 here.

Communicating Discovery Science International Symposium, 18-20 November 2024, Stellenbosch, South Africa

The symposium aims to deepen understanding of effective public engagement around Discovery Science, also known as basic or foundational science, by exploring ways to improve the practice of communicating Discovery Science, share insights and create a supportive community for scientists and science communication practitioners focused on basic science.

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3. Conferences, webinars and meetings

NEMO Webinars, online

Join museum professionals across Europe as they give their expertise on topics close to the museum community covering topics such as 'Museum action for climate empowerment' and 'Cross-border cooperation'. Webinars are live and recorded.

Science Communication Conference, 30 May 2024, Leiden University, Netherlands

Leiden University is hosting this year's science communicaion conference aiming to present many career opportunities within science communication with the theme “Visualizing your SciComm future”.

The Petrosains RBTX Challenge 2024, until 21 June

The event is dedicated to democratizing STEM education, with a particular emphasis on robotics and innovation and make it accessible and inclusive while nurturing the 4Cs—Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity—especially among the young talents.

EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), 12 - 15 June 2024, Katowice, Poland

Save the date for the 2024 iteration of ESOF taking place in Katowice, Poland - the European City of Science for 2024.

Support, Grow, Connect: Australian Science Communicators National Conference 2024, 18-20 June 2024, Perth, Australia

Support, Connect, Grow presents an opportunity for professionals, researchers and educators from diverse fields to come together. It’s an occasion to delve into the ways quality communication can dismantle barriers, bridge knowledge gaps, and foster evidence-driven decision-making.

Science Communication as a Human Right pre-conference,18-19 June 2024, Brisbane, Australia

The International Communication Association is hosting a 1.5-day event, inviting communication scholars and practitioners to re-think science communication from human rights perspectives. Professor Sujatha Raman, UNESCO Chair for Science Communication for the Public Good, the Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS), Australian National University and keynote speaker will talk about “Overcoming narrative lock-in: Prospects for science communication in a human rights paradigm.”

Communicating Astronomy with the Public (CAP) Conference, 24 - 28 June 2024, Toulouse, France and online

La Cité de l'espace in Toulouse, France is hosting the international CAP conference for astronomy communication on 24 - 28 June 2024. The conference aims to facillitate the exchange of good ideas and best practices and is targeted at professionals as well as amateur astronomers.

Societal Impact of Scientific Research 2024 Conference, AESIS, 26-28 June 2024, Dublin, Ireland

For the 12th time in a row, AESIS will be organising their annual conference on Societal Impact of Science, to bring together stakeholders in- and outside of the science eco-system to engage with each other on the most effective approaches for implementing effective policies, methods and tools to optimise societal impact of science and evaluate success.

Science in Public 2024, 8-10 July 2024, University of Birmigham, UK

The Science in Public (SiP) conference is back for its 14th edition. The conference aims to foster connections and exchange of insights and best practice not only across disciplines, but critically between researchers and professionals working in public engagement, science communication and adjacent areas of practice.

MATRIX x IMAGINARY 2024, 31 August - 4 September 2024, Les Diablerets, Switzerland

Hosted by the SwissMAP Research Station, the MATRIX x IMAGINARY conference on the Future of Mathematics Engagement will be an exciting and innovative event focussing on math museums, networking, exhibitions, technologies and inspiring ideas.

PCST 2025, 27 - 29 May 2025, Aberdeen, Scotland

The theme for PCST 2025 has never been more relevant - focusing on transitions, traditions and tensions. In light of the challenges facing the world caused by the climate emergency, the University of Aberdeen will provide a platform in order to discuss the importance of science communication.

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4. Jobs / Calls for tenders

Various Roles - CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), Geneva, Switzerland

Open positions - VigyanShaala International, Pune, India

Student Internship - Science about Science, London, UK

Science communicator (internship for students) - Scienseed, Madrid, Spain; rolling basis

Festival Assistant - The Forum, Norwich Science Festival, Norwich, United Kingdom; closing 30 May 2024

Nature-based Solutions Project Officer - International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Belgrade, Serbia; closing 5 June 2024

Communication Specialist - FAO United Nations, Rome, Itlay; closing 7 June 2024

Head of the public and exhibitions unit - The Museum of Natural History of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; closing 21 June 2024

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5. Grants and funding

PhD Studentship: Managing the Environmental Impact of Antifouling Biocides in Recreational Marinas Through Stakeholder Engagement, University of Essex, deadline 31 May 2024

This is an opportunity to conduct fully funded interdisciplinary research under the ‘Sustainable Transitions – Leverhulme Doctoral Training Programme’ at the University of Essex.

SP-Event-Funding for events promoting science, Innoviris, deadline 15 July 2024

Would you like to organise an event to promote science to children, young people or the general public? Do you want to attract young people in Brussels to STEM fields of study and careers, or encourage a scientific culture in Brussels? The SP-Event funding opportunity finances your temporary science promotion events such as exhibitions, competitions, shows, festivals, etc.

Podcasting and pedagogy for the planet: Examining the nexus of art, entertainment, and education related to sustainability and climate change, University of Glasgow, starting October 2024

Do you love podcasts? – Are you increasingly concerned about the looming climate emergency? – Are you fascinated by how people learn and engage with information? Appy for this fully funded PhD studentship, with additional support for research training. The PhD will be based in the School of Education at the University of Glasgow – a world top 100 university – and supervised by Dr Matthew A.M. Thomas, Professor Mark Banks, and Dr Sadie Ryan.

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