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In October at the Science Gallery in Dublin TWIST (Towards Women in Science and Technology) partners met to review the survey responses from over 100 institutions from across Europe and other countries along with other in-progress TWIST activities. The workshop took place along side three days of gender related activities developed by the Science Gallery that will be shared with Ecsite partners. One activity for example, was a computer exhibit on possible stereotype biases based on the IAT, Implicit Association Test, a web based test developed by researchers at Yale University in the US. Ecsite members will be invited to try out the IAT and other TWIST activities at the May 2011 Ecsite conference in Warsaw.

Partners also discussed programmes in development such as “Gender Day” on March 8th 2011 to be held in conjunction with International Women’s Day. “Gender Day” will be prototyped by Experimentarium and will include a range of activities such as ‘scientist speed-dating’, showrooms of science experiments and interactive talks by young female scientists.

All TWIST activities will be disseminated and shared with Ecsite members.