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Ecsite President Michiel Buchel makes Attractions Management cover

Attractions Management interview with Ecsite President Michiel Buchel

In an interview published in the latest edition of the specialised magazine Attractions Management, newly elected Ecsite President Michiel Buchel tells Editor Alice Davies about his vision for the sector's future and priorities for Ecsite. Among others, Buchel tells the magazine of the growing impact and role of science centres and museums and his ambition to strengthen ties between Ecsite and other networks in the attractions sector.

More on Buchel's vision for Ecsite in his "Growth, cooperation and sustainability" column published in the latest Spokes magazine.

In the same Attractions Management issue: Mikko Myllykoski, Chair of the Annual Conference Programme Commitee (ACPC), looks back on the 2015 Ecsite Annual Conference in Trento and Attractions Management reports on trends identified by speakers of the "Future visions" Pecha Kucha session held on Friday 12 June.


  • michiel buchel
  • ecsite presidency
  • #ecsite2015
  • future visions
  • attractions management