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Spokes, the science engagement magazine

Spokes collections

Curated series of Spokes articles around specific topics.

Spokes collection
‘Reversed’ science café at the Copernicus science centre in Warsaw, Poland, as part of the Sparks project © Agata Steifer Copernicus Science Centre
Explore a wide spectrum of participatory theories, practices and places, ranging from co-curated exhibitions to citizen-led research agendas, Responsible Research and Innovation, user-led innovation, citizen labs, hackathons or science cafés.
Participation, co-creation, consultation, citizens, #rri
Spokes collection
Maxi Ooh, MUSE'S under 5 space
Design, exhibitions or architecture: ultimately, all the articles gathered here are about stories.
Exhibition, design, architecture, museography, art&science, storytelling
Spokes collection
Children playing a board game on urban diversity at the BiodiverCITY Exhibition of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
What can science engagement organisations and professionals do to foster more sustainable futures? How do we work with SDGs, "wicked problems" and can we do in practice in our work environments and communities? The articles gathered here (re)-frame these questions and offer some answers.
sustainability, #SDGs, wicked problems, climate change, environment, green
Spokes collection
Anti-vaxxer protest in Melbourne, Australia, 14 September 2017. Pic by Alpha.
Post-truth, misinformation, anti-science, fake news or fabricated 'controversies'... what do these trends mean for science engagement? Discover a body of articles tackling these complex questions.
post-truth, post-fact, misinformation, fake news, dialogue, controversy, alternative facts

Spokes Editorial Committee

Maria Xanthoudaki
Director of Education and of the Centre of Research in Informal Learning
Andrea Bandelli
Andrea Bandelli
Head of International Relations
Vrije Ujiversiteit Amsterdam
Alex Fairhead
Group Head of Exhibition Services
Frank Kupper
Frank Kupper
Associate Professor Science Communication & Public Engagement
Marta Alicja Trzeciak
Marta Alicja Trzeciak
Head of Science Communication
Responsible editor
Catherine Franche
Executive Director