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EXTRA, the marketplace for scientific touring exhibitions.

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For rent

Electric Playhouse Travels, a collaboration between EDG and Electric Playhouse, was developed to bring a STEAM immersive experience to the museum community. The digital hands-free experience is a mix of games and artistic interactives that are ready for exploration...

Floor area
500 - 1000m²
Exhibits Development Group
For rent For sale

Set sail on an interactive journey through the quantum world! Explore the history of the atom, discover the secrets of sub-particles, and learn about black holes, quantum computers, and more. An exhibition on the cutting-edge science and technology of the 21st...

Floor area
150 - 500m²

Heureka goes Crazy, the first-ever science center exhibition on mental
health. This exhibition aims to dispel prejudices associated with mental
health problems and to encourage people to take care of their own well-being.

Floor area
650 - 700m²
Heureka, the Finnish Science Centre
For rent For sale

"Journey to Space," promises an exploration of the cosmos. Dive into an astronaut's life, interact with celestial displays, experience the universe with AR, and make learning about space a thrilling adventure. Come and embark on this cosmic journey with us!

Floor area
150 - 1000m²